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What is Simple Interest ?

Simple interest is a quick and easy method of calculating the interest charge on a loan. Simple interest is determined by multiplying the daily interest rate by the principal by the number of days that elapse between payments.

Formula of Calculating Simple Interest

Simple Interest = (P × R × T)/100
Where P = Principal Amount, R = Rate per Annum, T = Time (years)

Algorithm of Calculating the Simple Interest :-

1. Define Principal, Interest and Time of loans.

2. Apply in the formula.

3. Print the Simple Interest.

Complexity in Calculating the simple interest ,


Java Code

First, Open your Java Code editor / IDE .

Second, See the code given below copy the whole.

Third, Paste in Your IDE

Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1: Can I use this Source Code without giving credits ?

Ans: Yes, you can use but if your bring this projects, then should give us a credit at footer, because it takes alot time make all thess kinds of projects now if you ask that I want to bring it online but I will not give any credits to the developers & the provider then it is very wrong.

Q 2: Actually I want to bring this project online but I don't want to give credits ?

Ans: Ok, we have problem but also you cannot claim that it is made by you.
It is not all about flex you should increase you knowledge.

Q 3: If I am bringing this project online and not giving credits & claiming it is developed by me then ?

Ans: Ok, 1-3 times you will be warned and your that site will be suspended.
Still if you continue, then it can become to a legal things.



3 Years Ago Reply

How Smart !!

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