Hey Guys,
I'm 10 years experienced programmer looking forward to share my knowledge to others through my video.
So,please Subscribe to my Channel and my Website CoDroiD to gain some knowledge from me.
The CoDroiD Channel & Website is made for knowledge about Coding,Technology.

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It all started in 2011, I have started watching videos on YouTube regarding computers and all. Then I wonder how all these websites are made. Then I came to know all this websites are made using HTML,than I started learning HTML.Initially, I created a drawing website it got a nice engagement and after a year, I deleted that website because I got busy in my job and forgot to pay on domain and server. In 2019, I decided to open an YouTube channel on coding and I started uploading videos, then I created a new site called “CoDroiD”.

Soon, I started putting several tutorials and articles on “CoDroiD”,regarding Web development, Data science, and Other programming languages. I spent a lot of late nights and early mornings making this website a great resource for all software developers.

Whenever I learn some cool stuff related to programming, I share them through my YouTube Videos and On this Website. I try to simplify the difficult technical concepts and give helpful tips and information based on my experience on coding. My goal is to help other people on their quests to become better programmers.

After a long period of hard work, several readers came to the site and they send many feedback in codroid-query.netlify.app about the articles that they were really helpful. The support and the feedback that I get from the audience inspire me to create more articles and tutorials. I launched a Podcast regarding the Coding and Solving your Question. In the future, I want to continue the podcast series and put several video tutorials on the YouTube channel to help the coding community.

Let’s grow together and make this world a better place with the Code we write. If you want to contact me, shoot an email to somrajf12@gmail.com. Also, follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

Our Mission

CoDroiD is the place where you learn technical skills and soft skills to become a better programmer. This site is owned and operated by Somraj.

  • Spread Programming Knowledge .

  • Spread Software Development Knowledge .

  • Spread Animation & Game Development Knowledge .