Home  >  Java  >  Calculate Area Of A Triangle In Java.

So this project is based on Area of Triangle,

A triangle is a closed, 2-dimensional shape with 3 sides, 3 angles, and 3 vertices. A triangle is also a polygon. The above figure is a triangle denoted as △ABC. Examples of Triangles.
Note :-Area of Triangle = ½(b × h) where b is base and h is height.

Algorithm of Finding the Area of a triangle :-

1. Define the base and the height of the triangle.

2. Apply the formula of finding the area of the triangle.

3. Now the Print the Area.

Complexity in finding the area of the triangle ,


Java Code

First, Open your Java Code editor / IDE .

Second, See the code given below copy the whole.

Third, Paste in Your IDE

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May 18, 2022 at 1:00 am Reply

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