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So this project is based on C++ programming,

A Palindrome number is a number that is same after reverse. For example 121, 34543, 343, 131, 48984 are the palindrome numbers.

Check Palindrome Number or Not

To check whether a number given by user is a palindrome number or not in C++, first receive the number, initialize its value to a variable say temp and reverse the value of temp. After reversing, check whether the original number is equal to temp or not.

Palindrome number algorithm

  • 1. Get the number from user.

  • 2. Hold the number in temporary variable.

  • 3. Reverse the number.

  • 4. Compare the temporary number with reversed number.

  • 5. If both numbers are same, print palindrome number.

  • 6. Else print not palindrome number.

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That is, if original number is equal to the value of rev (original number's reverse or temp's reverse), then print a message like, it is a palindrome number, otherwise print a message like, it is not a palindrome number as shown in the program given below :


First, Create an C++ file with the name of first-file.cpp and paste the code given below, in your C++ file. Remember, you’ve to create a file with .cpp extension.

Note*: Click on the C++ Code then press ctrl + A to select the whole C++ Code, then ctrl + C to copy.

Let's Run the Program :

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4 months ago Reply

Love you.


1 Year ago Reply

Thank You.

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